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The Brothers Welch

The Brothers Welch are hiking enthusiasts both back country and urban. Our mission is to offer an enjoyable travel blog with trail journals, photography, and helpful information while we enjoy the scenery along the way. Remember it’s all about the smiles, not the miles!


Donnie “Babysteps” Welch is a writer, hiker (LT ‘19), and educator living in New York City. When not in the classroom or urban hiking he’s often exploring trails in the Hudson Valley or venturing into new sections of the Appalachian Trail in pursuit of a complete section hike.


Jonathan “J-Dub” Welch is a photographer currently living in North Carolina. He’s an Appalachian Trail thru-hiker “class of 2012” and Vermont Long Trail End-to-Ender “class of 2013” and “class of 2019”


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About US

The Brothers Welch are hiking enthusiasts both back country and urban. Our mission is to offer an enjoyable travel blog with trail journals, photography, and helpful information while we enjoy the scenery along the way. Remember it’s all about the smiles, not the miles!


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